how about, instead of every Saturday, it's every other Saturday? i overestimated my ability to draw (or pick) something every week consistently, so i decided to give myself more time. i think this is a reasonable change. starting this week, i will not submit anything this Saturday, and will instead submit something next Saturday. cool. here's a scyther.
Well, it's important to not overexert yourself and if you're particular about the quality of your work, you definitely wouldn't want to rush yourse... wait. Nothing this Saturday? But this Saturday is my birthday! Oh no!!! I already have the reservations confirmed by all the art critics coming to visit for cake, ice cream, and, most importantly, to admire high-quality Toggle art! What am I going to do now, TD?! What am I going to... that is a very cute Scyther! Holy moly, look at how adorable that smol bug is! Oh well. I can (probably) survive without Toggle for an extra week. I'll just distract myself by streaming that day. That or crying in disappointment. Either or will work. Thank you for the letting us know in advance, Toggle. Don't overwork yourself.